Reviewing the Law for Muslim Affairs in Enhancing the Waqf Institution in Thailand: A Way Forward

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  • Sulaiman Dorloh Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University, Brunei


Waqf, Minorty Muslim, Development, Socio-economic


Waqf institution is one of the most important institution in Islamic economy. Reducing the burden of the government and fulfilling needs especially for Muslim society are always referred to as waqf’s roles. In a majority of Muslim countries, where shariah law is applicable, waqf property is managed by professional bodies. The government introduces Awqaf Departments to supervise and distribute waqf property accordingly. In some non- Muslim countries where Muslims are the minority, waqf property is managed by voluntary agencies under a small unit supervised by the mosque committee members (MCM). The discussion on the role of waqf institution in southern Thailand in order to explore and investigate as to what extent does waqf institution and thai law accommodate waqf institution I minimizing and eradicating the poverty in the predominated Muslim provinces such as Narathiwat province in order to identify various laws that recognize waqf property for Muslims and legal obstacles that impede the improvement of waqf institution in the country. Suggestion that contribute to the development of waqf institution in the country will be highlighted. Insights were obtained through interviews and discussion with the imam, khatib and Narathiwat Muslim religious committee council (NMRCC). The paper concludes that although codifications of various Thai laws have contributed towards enhancing the waqf institution in Thailand, some of the legal provisions need to be revised in order to achieve its goals effectively.


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How to Cite

Dorloh, S. (2015). Reviewing the Law for Muslim Affairs in Enhancing the Waqf Institution in Thailand: A Way Forward. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 12(2), 33-40. Retrieved from



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