The Best Investment Scenario for Hajj Fund Management in Indonesia

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  • Dina Fitrisia Septiarini Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Surabaya, East Java 60115, Indonesia
  • Imron Mawardi Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Surabaya, East Java 60115, Indonesia
  • Nisful Laila Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Surabaya, East Java 60115, Indonesia
  • Indra Gunawan Indonesian International Islamic University (IIIU), Depok, West Java 16416, Indonesia
  • Jihan Irbah Nadiah Faculty of Economics and Business, Airlangga University, Surabaya, East Java 60115, Indonesia



Optimal portfolio, Return, Investment risk, Benefit value, Hajj fund


The Hajj Fund Management Agency (Badan Pengelola Keuangan Haji [BPKH]) is an institution responsible for managing Hajj funds in Indonesia. Through the investment mechanism, the BPKH’s benefit value can reduce the burden of prospective pilgrims in covering the cost of organizing the Hajj pilgrimage (Biaya Penyelanggaran Ibadah Haji [BPIH]). This study examined the combination of optimal portfolio construction in two situations, namely, without using regulatory restrictions and with government regulatory restrictions. The results of a linear programming approach with the Markowitz method revealed that investment allocation without regulatory restrictions forms an optimal portfolio to maximize Sharpe with a moderate scenario. Likewise, investment allocation based on regulations forms a portfolio with the same goal, namely maximizing the Sharpe ratio. This is in accordance with BPKH’s investment characteristics, which consider acceptable levels of return and risk, as well as BPKH’s risk profile, namely low to moderate. This research is expected to be useful for BPKH, especially in compiling investment portfolios to produce the optimal value of benefits and create sustainability in Hajj finance.


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DOI: 10.33102/jmifr.552
Published: 2024-06-01

How to Cite

Dina Fitrisia Septiarini, Imron Mawardi, Nisful Laila, Indra Gunawan, & Jihan Irbah Nadiah. (2024). The Best Investment Scenario for Hajj Fund Management in Indonesia. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 21(1), 162-173.



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