The Qur'anic Universe in Knowledge, Time and Space with a Reference to Matrix Game in Islamic Behavioural Financial Decision Making
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Tawhid and world-system, Epistemology, Economic modeling, Qur’an and SunnahAbstract
The paper is a Qur’anic socio-philosophical rarity on the theme of learning model. Such a model is derived from the Tawhidi foundation of knowledge (epistemology). It is shown to construct a moral-social world-system of consciousness(phenomenology). The specific problem of Islamic behavioural economics and finance is shown to respond to such a learning model of Tawhidi unity of knowledge, its analysis, and application. The place of consciousness as the central note to Islamic behavioural dynamics in decision-making is shown to be located within the dimensions of knowledge, time and space. The analysis thus extends beyond the horizons of space-time structure. In so doing the paper is a contribution on the expanded and all- comprehensive worldview of the relations between God, Man and the universe embedded in the causal structure of the Qur’anic mind (res cogitans)-matter (res extensa) relations.