Qualitative study in identifying factors affecting the behavior of Muslim generation Y towards Islamic home financing products in Malaysia
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Islamic home financing, house acquisition, consumer behavior, ABC theoryAbstract
House is the most important basic need for the human survival, however many individuals especially those who are categorised in the category of generation Y still do not acquire a house due to various factors. It is quite a normal practice for most of home-buyers in Malaysia to purchase a house through banking institutions. However, as a Muslim, it is an obligation to purchase and acquire a house through Islamic financial institutions (IFIs) as it is accordance to the Shariah principle. The objective of the study is to qualitatively identify factors affecting the behavior of Muslims generation Y in Malaysia towards Islamic home financing products. Apparently, it is found that religious belief, profit rate, offer and promotion, and fast service (loan approval) are factors in affecting Muslims generation Y in choosing Islamic home financing products. Afterwards, the study proposed to integrate the findings (identified factors) with the theory of Attitude-Behavior-Context (ABC). The study findings are expected to contribute significantly to the theory, methodology, and empirical practices.
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