The Impact of Islamic Financing Products on Islamic Banks Profitability: Case of Al Rayan Bank (Qatar)

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  • Larabi Moustapha Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, University of Bechar-Tahri Mohamed, 08000 Béchar, Algeria
  • Troubia Nadir Faculty of Economic, Commercial and Management Sciences, University Ahmed Draia of Adrar, 01000 Adrar, Algeria



Islamic banks, Murabaha, Ijarah, Musharaka, Istisnaa, Profitability (ROE)


This study aims to determine the effect of islamic financing products   on Islamic banks profitability of Al Rayan Islamic Bank. This research uses Quarterly data of Al Rayan Bank for 2011Q1-2023Q1.The variables used in this study are independent variables, Musharaka, Murabaha, Istisna’a and Ijarah financing. While the dependent variable is, the Islamic bank's profitability measured by (ROE).The study used ARDL Model to analyze the short and long-term relationships between variables. Data collected were analyzed by using EViews10 software. ARDL bounds test findings shown that there is a cointegration relationship between bank profitability and Islamic financing Products variables in the long run. The results of the long-run analysis show that Musharaka financing has a positive and significant effect on ROE at the 5% level. Murabaha financing has a negative and significant effect on ROE. Meanwhile, the Istisna’a and Ijarah variables have no significant effect on ROE. The short run dynamics show that there is a negative and significant effect of Murabaha and Ijarah financing on the profitability of the Islamic bank, while lagged value of Murabaha LMUR(-1) has a positive and significant effect on the profitability index of the Islamic bank. Simultaneously, there is no relationship and effect of Musharaka and Istisna’a on the profitability of the Islamic bank in the short term


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DOI: 10.33102/jmifr.522
Published: 2023-12-01

How to Cite

Moustapha, L., & Nadir, T. (2023). The Impact of Islamic Financing Products on Islamic Banks Profitability: Case of Al Rayan Bank (Qatar). The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 20(2), 87-98.



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