The Impact of COVID-19 to Millennials' Consumption Behaviour and Halal Preference: Does Religiosity Matter?
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Halal preference, consumer behaviour, Millennial, COVID-19 PandemicAbstract
COVID-19 and the threat of economic crisis may change consumption behaviour and halal preference. Millennials in the surrounding cities of the capital in Indonesia currently contributes up to 28 percent from the total population. This study aims to analyse the influence of COVID-19 pandemic to the consumer behaviour and halal preference of the Millennials group in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi. Theory of Planned Behaviour is modified and implemented in preparing the frameworks of the dependent-independent variables. Using partial least square method, 316 Muslim Millennial respondents from Jakarta and the surrounding cities as areas which reported first cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The result shows that crisis magnitude, fear of missing out, and social media have significant influence on consumer behaviour. Religiosity is, however also found to moderate the effect of crisis magnitude to consumer behaviour. On the other side, halal preference is found to be influenced only by religiosity.
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