The Influence of Marketing, Pricing and Promotion on Gen Z’s Purchase Behavior of Halal Cosmetics in Indonesia

Gen Z, Consumer Behavior, Marketing, Halal Cosmetics, IndonesiaAbstract
As This study investigates the influence of marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion), on purchasing behavior of Indonesian Gen Z when buying Halal cosmetics. The objective of this study was to enhance the current understanding and bridge the gaps in existing literature by examining the marketing effects and cognitive factors associated with Gen Z’s purchasing behavior, as previous studies in Indonesia have mainly focused on Halal food and pharmaceutical consumption. There is a need to enter this Halal sector because cosmetics are now regarded as a primary requirement, and the Halal cosmetics business's growth will affect any country's GDP. The study sets out to investigate the impact of TPB constructs on purchasing behavior of Gen Z regarding Halal cosmetics products. The proposed model identifies the factors that shape the purchase intention of Gen Z towards Halal cosmetics and analyze how these marketing mix factors impact their attitude. The quantitative study was conducted on the island of Java, with data obtained from 500 respondents. The data was analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the PLS (Partial Least Square) approach with the SmartPLS application. The study found that marketing mix elements exert influence on the purchasing behavior of Indonesian Gen Z when purchasing Halal cosmetics. These findings contribute not only to advancing theoretical knowledge but also provide practical implications for the industry players.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Khurun'in Zahro', Mulyono Jamal, Adlin Masood, Nurul Adila Hasbullah, Norfhadzilahwati Rahim, Yassinta Fitria Ramadhanty

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