Assessing The Performance Of Zakat And Samurdhi Scheme In Alleviating Poverty Among The Muslim Community In Sri Lanka

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  • Abi Huraira Rifas Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Islamic Studies and Arabic Language, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 32360, Oluvil, Sri Lanka
  • Hayathu Mohamed Ahamed Hilmy Department of Islamic Studies, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 32360, Oluvil, Sri Lanka
  • Iqbal Saujan Department of Islamic Studies, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 32360, Oluvil, Sri Lanka



Zakat, samurdhi, poverty alleviation, performance evaluation, Muslim community.


Poverty is one of the most hotly debated subjects in international development. It is also discussed in all economic development and governmental policymaking. Every country in the world adopts poverty alleviation strategies since poverty has been negatively impacting on economic growth. Despite this global trend, Sri Lanka has its own unique strategies that set it apart. The Samurdhi is one of the key schemes to reduce poverty in society regardless of faith or ethnicity in Sri Lanka. Notably, Muslims in Sri Lanka get benefits from Samurdhi and Zakāt programmes which play a major role in poverty reduction especially among Muslim community. on this background, this study aims to analyse the performance of both Zakāt and Samurdhi schemes in poverty alleviation among the Muslim community in the study area. This study is based on qualitative research paradigm and employs both primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected through the unstructured interviews, conducted with the coordinators, animators, and beneficiaries of both programs. All interview scripts were analysed using the Thematic Content Analysis (TCA) method. The study concluded with the argument that both schemes (Samurdhi and Zakāt) immensely contributed to poverty alleviation in the study area, especially among the Muslim community. However, Samurdhi scheme is more effective than the zakat programme during the study period (2019-2022) as Samurdhi scheme was implemented with the support of the government and annually government is allocating fund separately. Apart from this, no government funds were allocated for the proper implementation of the zakat programme via the Zakāt foundations. It is noteworthy that Zakāt system has been functioning by the donations from wealthy Muslims. Meanwhile, Zakāt scheme was effectively implemented in certain areas of Akkaraipattu. However, comparatively Zakāt scheme was not implemented effectively among beneficiaries in the whole study area.


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DOI: 10.33102/jmifr.508
Published: 2023-11-20

How to Cite

Abi Huraira Rifas, Hayathu Mohamed Ahamed Hilmy, & Iqbal Saujan. (2023). Assessing The Performance Of Zakat And Samurdhi Scheme In Alleviating Poverty Among The Muslim Community In Sri Lanka. The Journal of Muamalat and Islamic Finance Research, 20(2), 19-37.



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