Muslims’ Motivation to Patronize Wasiyyah (Islamic Will) Services: Does religiosity Acts as a Moderator in the Relationships?

Religiosity, Self-determination theory, Wasiyyah, Consumer motivation, SatisfactionAbstract
Frozen assets in the country may be alleviated via wasiyyah services, which has long been considered a possible solution in Malaysia. However, despite the relevance of wasiyyah services in Malaysia, the penetration rate remains low. Self-determination and satisfaction in patronizing wasiyyah services are the focus of this research. There was also an investigation into how religiosity moderates the relationship between self-determination and satisfaction. The research framework consists of 8 hypotheses that predict four direct relationships and four moderation effects. The model used the principle of self-determination to explain the relationships. This research focuses on Muslim consumers in Malaysia who have already patronized wasiyyahservices. The data was gathered using an online survey, and 180 valid data were used to validate the study model. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS v27 and SmartPLS 4.0. The results stated that SDT constructs which are autonomy and relatedness have significant and positive and influence over satisfaction in patronizing wasiyyah services. However, competence did not have positive and significant influence over satisfaction. Furthermore, no moderation effect of religiosity could be found in this study. Findings suggest that religiosity has not moderated the relationship between SDT constructs and satisfaction. It is intended that this research can provide insights for industry players to enhance and develop sustainable marketing strategies to entice more Muslims to utilize the wasiyyah services, which might ultimately help in resolving the frozen asset problems.
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