Exploring Muslim Society's Knowledge of Wassiyah

Muslim society, WasiyyahAbstract
Wasiyyah is essential to ensure the priority of any individual is upheld. However, it is not obligatory in Islam. Preparing Wasiyyah is Sunnah Mua'kad. This paper examines the knowledge of Muslim society about Wasiyyah and its contributions to the society. While the majority of Muslims in Malaysia are alert and familiar with the term Islamic Will or Wasiyyah, they have no clear idea or understanding about Wasiyyah. Results of this study indicate that the purpose of preparing Wasiyyah is to distribute property among those who are ineligible under the Faraidh Law. The contribution of Wasiyyah is to accelerate the process of management and distribution of property. Most of the Muslim society has little knowledge about Wasiyyah because of poor knowledge dissemination or promotion. It is therefore recommended that all organizations involved in managing property fully participate in delivering the knowledge about Wasiyyah and its benefits.