Mapping Blockchain Adoption Challenges
A Bibliometric Analysis

Blockchain Technology (BCT), Decentralised Systems, Bibliometric Analysis, BCT Adoption Challenges, Scopus DatabaseAbstract
The evolution of the Internet has shifted from centralised to decentralised systems, particularly after the financial crisis in 2008. The Internet disrupts traditional financial systems and the consequent shift towards Blockchain Technology (BCT) for more transparent and accountable business practices. It outlines BCT’s origins and transformative potential in various domains. Thus, this study aims to investigate challenges in BCT adoption in various domains. This study adopted a bibliometric analysis based on the data obtained from the Scopus database. Based on the keywords used, which are related to BCT adoption in the article title, the study obtains 229 documents for further analysis. Various tools have been employed, such as Microsoft Excel to conduct the frequency analysis and VOSviewer for data visualisation analysis. This study reports the results using standard bibliometric indicators such as publication year, document type, source type, source title, languages, subject area, keywords analysis, geographical distribution, authorship, active institutions, and citation analysis. The analysis reveals that studies on BCT integration with the Internet of Things (IoT) suggest the highest cites followed by BCT adoption challenges. Since 2021, there has been a rapid accumulation of citations, highlighting the ongoing relevance and interest in BCT across diverse fields. Indonesia leads in academic contributions to BCT, while the United States excels in citation impact. Notably, China, Australia, Jordan, and Malaysia are interested in adopting BCT in Asia. In Europe, the United Kingdom stands out alongside Romania and Belgium for their commitment to the study as well. Prominent authors and keywords highlight BCT’s integration with IoT and supply chain. Findings underscore global academic engagement with BCT challenges and applications, offering a foundation for future research on practical hurdles, regulations, and technological intersections. Blockchain is just one of many IR4.0 technologies that will enhance governance when coupled with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data Analytics. Future research should focus deeper on practical challenges, regulations, and intersections of BCT with other technologies, building upon the findings of this analysis.
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